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Online Trainer Business (OTB) Essentials

Start Your Online Personal Training Business in Less Than 24 Hours

In this course, learn the A to Z of how you can start your personal training business. Access the collective success of the world’s largest online personal training community.

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Trusted by thousands of coaches since 2012

Starting a business is hard...

Launching a successful online personal training business can be daunting, especially if...

  • you’re not sure where to begin
  • you don’t know who to trust
  • you’re not sure where to invest your time and money


Add to that, figuring out how to attract clients to navigating all the tech tools—there’s a lot to tackle. It’s easy to feel lost and unsure of what exactly are the most important steps you need to take that will actually get your business off the ground and landing you paid coaching clients.


What if you were given...

  • A step by step guide
  • A tried and tested system from experienced personal trainers
  • A way to learn how you can start your business


A business course made for you, by you. Learn how to launch a successful personal training business by drawing on the expertise of the most trusted personal training community in the industry.


So you can finally


Get established

Be recognized for your expertise as a personal trainer, despite being “new” in the online coaching space.


Build your brand

Build a recognizable and respected brand that sets you apart from competitors, making you the go-to expert in your niche.


Scale your revenue

Create and scale signature offers that not only attract your ideal clients but also generate consistent revenue.


Take the leap

Start your online personal training business with a clear, actionable plan, knowing exactly what steps to follow.

Join the waitlist to get an early access discount of $150 off the OTB Essentials course.

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What to expect from ABC Trainerize Academy Online Trainer Business Essentials Course

Course overview

Module 1 - Getting new clients by using and understanding your strengths 

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Identify and leverage your unique strengths to attract the right clients. You'll learn to clearly articulate your expertise, define your target niche, and create a strategic plan that enhances your marketing efforts and drives business growth.


Module 2 - Setting business goals to keep yourself on the right track

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Set clear business goals, track your progress, and create a timeline for achieving them. We'll guide you through defining your objectives and developing a process to stay accountable, ensuring you stay on track to hit your revenue targets and grow your business.


Module 3 - Marketing your business to get clients

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Market your online personal training business by developing a solid marketing strategy and identifying the best channels for your brand. You'll also gain insights into using marketing tools, tracking metrics, and building a content calendar to consistently attract and retain clients.


Module 4 - Selling your programs to convert prospects and get paid clients  

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Convert inbound leads into paying clients by developing a powerful sales script, confidently handling objections, and skillfully navigating pricing discussions to close more deals.


Module 5 - Onboarding clients, getting them started, and retaining clients 

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Create a seamless onboarding process, develop effective client engagement strategies, and master retention techniques to ensure long-term success in your online personal training business.


Grow your Coaching Business...
Step by Step

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What’s included

  • Practical lessons you can apply right away

    All our courses are based on real-life experiences, practical implementation, and actionable learnings you can apply tomorrow.

  • Helpful resources to accelerate learning

    Access an ever-growing bank of resources, templates, guides, and case-studies.

  • Learn from a community of top coaches

    Community-powered education designed to accelerate your online personal training/fitness coaching business.

  • Start your business on your schedule

    Learn on your schedule with self-paced, on-demand expert-led courses and interactive learning.

Why join the waitlist?


Get Early Access at our Best Price

Only those on our waitlist will be invited to join the course at the best price.


Access Exclusive Content

Get early tips from our community on starting an online coaching business, meet the instructors, plus more!

Why choose our course?

Old way

  • Boring, outdated training
  • All theory, no action
  • Limited learning from 1 expert
  • Expensive, costing thousands with no results guaranteed

New way

  • Interactive learning at your own pace
  • Practical actions to take, with real-life examples from coaches
  • Learn from the world’s largest PT community backed with multiple perspectives
  • Affordable to get started

Get on the waitlist today

Join the OTB Essentials waitlist and learn how to fast-track your success as an online fitness coach from the world’s largest online personal training community. 
