The Real-Life Training Plan and Diet of a Professional Fitness Athlete
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Andrea Leipert is a a skilled, dedicated and energetic Personal Fitness Specialist with over 10 years of experience in the industry. She has a diploma in fitness from the Fitness Institute of Australia, is CanFitPro Certified, and has certifications for teaching TRX, Kettlebell, Zumba, and more.
We interviewed Andrea Leipert of Yaletown Fitness on her life as a professional fitness athlete. We have the inside scoop on her training plan, diet, and how she manages to do all of that, and run a business, too.
Learn how Andrea put ABC Trainerize to:
- organize all your meals and daily training
- track her workouts and progress
- manage both her competition and her personal training business.
Learn more about the steps that Ruvi took to become the professional she wanted to be in this free download!
Download this free guide now and see how you can do the same in your own business.