Hybrid personal training is a new concept many gyms, franchises, and personal trainers are now tapping into. It’s a training concept that puts the needs of your members first and considers their busy schedules when booking training sessions.
In this guide, we’ll dive deep into the advantages of the hybrid training model for the consumer, personal trainer, and gym owner to give you a full understanding of why you should consider adopting this type of training into your fitness services and best of all — stand out from your competitors.
Hot topics discussed in this must-have guide:
Learn how to train more clients in less time
Discover how to attract more members by offering premium online services
Maximize PT revenue with hybrid flexible memberships
Explore opportunities to reach new markets and open the door to "virtual members"
Understand the advantages the hybrid model brings your members and the benefits it delivers
Engage clients from a distance and incorporate their most loved tech into their training programs